Discover more at St David's Peninsula
Find out how to get to St David's Peninsula, where to park, the things to see and do and more.
Visit St David’s and you’ll spot a colourful collection of wildflowers and birds painting the landscape and common. Step into nature and be surrounded by flora and fauna to delight your senses and spark your curiosity in the natural world.
Also known as sea pink, which you'll find growing along the coast path and in stone walls and hedge banks. Visit in May to see it at its best.
As the weather warms, you'll also see butterflies on the search for nectar, and lizards warming themselves in the spring sunshine.
Grows amongst the thrift and clings to hedge banks and clifftops.
It’s become rarer in the countryside, but still does well along the coast.
Look for it in the natural rock gardens around the cliffs of St David's Head and in walls and hedge banks by the coast path.
More than 300 species of heathland plant have been recorded. From bog asphodel to the heathers and western gorse, these are the plants that, for a few months of the year, bring the commons to life. Some of them are scarce, such as the lesser butterfly orchid, wavy leaved St John's wort and pillwort, a tiny, grass-like aquatic fern.
St David’s Head is a flying spectacular for seabirds and songbirds, so bring along your binoculars and enjoy a spot of coastal wildlife watching.
Huge with diamond-shaped tails and are early nesters. Listen for their deep croaks during your visit.
Another crow, but with red feet and bill. Around 60 pairs nest along the Pembrokeshire coast.
Often disputing airspace with ravens, peregrines are the other kings of the Pembrokeshire cliffs.
While the peregrine hunts flying prey, the kestrel hovers, hunting for beetles and voles below.
Around 39,000 pairs of gannets nest on Grassholm. Watch them dive for mackerel just offshore.
One of the first spring visitors, wheatears are easy to spot as they flash about flicking their white tails.
They perch on gorse bushes and rear up to three noisy families a year.
A rarity but becoming a more regular breeding bird on coastal heaths – look for them on gorse bushes.
Twittering flocks of linnets are one of the sounds of summer on the coast. They nest in gorse bushes.
Listen out for their scratchy song from the dense scrubby slopes below Carn Llidi.
Find out how to get to St David's Peninsula, where to park, the things to see and do and more.
Discover more about the St David’s Celtic origins, pilgrimages and patron saint and how the area’s prehistoric past has left its mark on Britain’s smallest city.
Uncover the industrial heritage of the pretty little harbour, savour the seaside scenery and enjoy outdoor activities on land and in the water.