Glanhau Traethau Freshwater West / Beach Cleans Freshwater West
Helpwch i gadw Freshwater West yn lân / Help keep Freshwater West clean
- Booking not needed
- Free event
Join us in the fresh air and help keep this beautiful beach clean.
The basics
- Booking details
Call 01646 623110
- Suitability
Suitable for children under 12 if accompanied by an adult.
- Meeting point
Meet at the car park Freshwater West 10am - 12pm.
- What to bring and wear
Wrap up warm and bring a waterproof jacket and shoes appropriate for the weather and environment.
Upcoming events
50 Peth i'w Gwneud - annibynol / 50 Things to do - self led
Rhowch gynnig ar 50 peth i’w gwneud cyn eich bod yn 11 a ¾ wrth inni nesáu at dymor yr Hydref a’r Gaeaf. / Have a go at 50 things before you're 11 and 3/4 as the season moves into Autumn and winter.
Stackpole Striders / Stackpole Striders
Ymunwch â ni i redeg neu gerdded am ddim gyda golygfeydd anhygoel o’r dirwedd / Join us for a free run or walk with amazing views of the landscape.