Discover more at Mompesson House
Find out when Mompesson House is open, how to get here, the things to see and do and more.
If you’re planning a day out in Salisbury, Mompesson House is the perfect place to relax and while away a few hours. From indoor activities to exploring our self-contained walled garden, there’s enough to keep interested minds busy and encourage play.
Here's the information you need at a glance to help plan your day out at Mompesson House:
We have a free activity sheet to encourage children to take in their surroundings and use all their senses.
Our second-hand bookshop has a children's section with chairs available to sit and read.
Our tea-room has plenty of child-friendly options, with sweet and savoury snacks available.
Mompesson House is trying to become an inclusive site for families of children with SEND. We can offer the following:
If you have any questions or concerns about visiting, please call or email us. Our staff are happy to help guide you through your visit.
Find out when Mompesson House is open, how to get here, the things to see and do and more.
Discover the stories of the people who have lived at Mompesson House over the past 300 years, from Charles Mompesson in 1701 to Denis Martineau in the 1950s.
Looking for a family day out that'll keep everyone entertained? Find things to do with the kids at the places we care for near you.
Discover grand mansions and family homes including a former abbey and the surrounding village. Step inside to explore rooms, spiral staircases and towers. Bring the whole family to enjoy a fun day out in Wiltshire.
For Christmas 2024, we invited you to take a trip back in time to 1846 at Mompesson House. As the Townsend family slept on Christmas Eve, their books came to life... The Christmas offer has now finished. Please check back nearer the time to see what's in store for Christmas 2025.