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Studley Revealed

An illustrated view across the grass towards Studley Royal tearoom
An illustration of how the tearoom and entrance will look as part of Studley Revealed | © National Trust / Fielden Fowles

The Studley Revealed project will deliver conservation benefits by restoring historical sightlines and vistas that have been lost over time. It will also provide more information about the garden and include improved visitor facilities, to ensure we give a welcome to the garden worthy of a World Heritage Site. Learn more about our plans for the project.

What is the Studley Revealed project?

Studley Revealed is a £4.6m project that will help to tell the important story of this World Heritage Site and will make improvements to a busy area of the water garden, creating a more accessible café that can seat up to 60 people (a slight increase from the current 54 cover capacity), admission point and toilets. 

Planning permission and listed building consent has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council and we expect an update on our proposals in 2025.   All of the planning documents can be viewed in full via North Yorkshire Council's website - use the application references ZC23/02883/FUL and ZC23/02884/LB.  You can also find out more about the Studley Revealed project by emailing 


Studley revealed - illustration of new entrance to the building from canal gates
An illustration of how the new entrance to the building from inside the water garden might look | © NT/Feilden Fowles

Our vision for Studley  

When John Aislabie began creating his masterpiece of Georgian water garden design, he intended visitors to arrive at Studley Royal.   

The ornate gates and lake views have impressed thousands who flocked to explore these spectacular gardens since the 18th century. Today, the visitor centre at the other end of the estate, is our main entrance and most visitors arrive at Studley from the water gardens halfway through their journey through the site. Although the way visitors use this area has fundamentally changed since Georgian times, we want to ensure that the welcome at Studley is fitting of a World Heritage Site.  

We are ready to enhance the appearance and facilities at this part of the estate and to bring the important story of Studley Royal to life.   

One of four views of the water garden at Studley Royal Water Gardens, North Yorkshire, by A Walker after Balthazar Nebot (fl 1730-62), coloured mezzotints, 1758
Visitors have been flocking to Studley for over 300 years | © National Trust Images

Our plans to restore and improve the garden

Over time, we have lost some of the original spirit of the water gardens and the lakeside at Studley Royal and how it was designed to be experienced. The traditional English garden style used ‘conceal’ and ‘reveal’ to hide significant views before revealing them to visitors in spectacular style.  

Views and routes lost over time

Temporary structures and extensions have been added over the years and some of the original garden planting has become overgrown or has self-seeded with species that are not in keeping with the Georgian design. This means important views and walks have been removed or obstructed. The gardens are no longer experienced as their designers’ intended.  

Improving navigation 

Navigation is confusing for visitors and we don’t currently tell the important story of Studley Royal and what makes it a World Heritage Site. The tea-room is frequently overcrowded at peak periods with long queues, which also make access for wheelchair users and pushchairs difficult.  

As a conservation charity, committed to caring for this special place, our vision is to create a new place to tell the story of Studley Royal and more accessible facilities for our visitors.

Enlisting landscape architects

To achieve this, we have engaged world-class building and landscape architects to help us carefully balance the needs of our visitors with the landscape of this special place and the original spirit of the water garden.   

Lost 18th century views will be opened up from the tea-room across the canal and cascades and Studley lake. We will recreate the route that once enabled this area to be accessed from both sides – a path that has been inaccessible since we took on care of the estate.  

Studley revealed - illustration of admissions and interpretation space
An illustration of how the new admissions and interpretation space might look | © NT/Fielden Fowles

Justin Scully, General Manager of Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal, says:

"The Studley Revealed project is an exciting part of the ongoing conservation of the Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal World Heritage Site. It has long been our ambition to improve the appearance of this area of the site and how visitors experience it. Crucially, it means we can create a place for our visitors to learn more about the fascinating history of Studley Royal, its international significance and our role in caring for it, whilst simultaneously having a more enjoyable and accessible experience. 

As General Manager of this special place, I feel that the proposals we're working towards offer a delightful presentation of the history, welcome and design of this World Heritage Site."

An illustration of the tearoom across the lake, with trees and path in the foreground
An illustration of how the tearoom and entrance will look as part of Studley Revealed | © National Trust /Fielden Fowles

A World Heritage Class design   

A world-class vision requires world-class designers.   

The building architects are award-winning heritage architects, Feilden Fowles, who specialise in arts and culture design projects. They have grown a reputation for delivering exemplary projects in highly sensitive and challenging historic settings like ours including Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the Chatsworth Estate.   

The landscape architects are rankinfraser, an Edinburgh based practice. They have over 30 years combined experience of delivering multi award-winning projects from conception through to completion.  

Rooted in history  

This project is part of our longer-term vision to offer historical information about the World Heritage Site and the story of what makes this place special. Our plans are rooted in history and the detailed study of historic maps, images and accounts of how the water gardens have looked and been used since the 18th century.  

Design proposals  

The plans will also see the building move from the deer park side of Studley Royal to sit inside the water garden and pay-for-entry part of the site. Following feedback from the local community, a separate planning application was approved by North Yorkshire Council for an additional refreshment kiosk in the deer park car park. This will serve refreshments for those for those who are not National Trust members and prefer not to purchase a day ticket to access the site. The restaurant and parking at the main visitor centre will remain free for all to access.