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AGM procedures and reports

Members of a panel discussion at the 2023 National Trust AGM
Members of a panel discussion at the 2023 National Trust AGM | © National Trust Images/Megan Taylor

The Annual General Meeting is convened in accordance with The Charities (National Trust) Order 2005. Find out more about what this means.

Annual General Meetings

  1. The annual general meeting shall be held on such date between 1 September and 31 December each year, at such time and in such place as the Board of Trustees decides.
  2. The only business which may be dealt with at an annual general meeting is:
    1. business which in accordance with the National Trust Acts and the Scheme is required or authorised to be dealt with at annual general meetings;
    2. a resolution proposed by members in accordance with clause 35 of the Scheme, and notice of which is given in the notice of the meeting; and
    3. a resolution proposed by the Board of Trustees, and notice of which is given in the notice of the meeting.

Report and Accounts

  1. At each annual general meeting the Board of Trustees shall present to the meeting a report of the activities of the Charity in the preceding financial year and the accounts of the Charity for that year.
  2. Copies of the report and accounts shall be available:
    1. at each annual general meeting; and
    2. on written application to the Secretary.
Hilary McGrady presenting at the 2024 Annual General Meeting in Newcastle upon Tyne

Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting took place on 2 November online and in Newcastle upon Tyne. Find out the voting results, including the outcomes on the resolutions and elections.

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Annual Reports 

Our Annual Report reviews our performance over the last year and looks forward to our future plans.