Art and collections
We care for one of the world's largest and most significant collections of art and heritage objects. Explore the highlights, our latest major exhibitions, curatorial research and more.
We've teamed up with CEWE, Europe's leading photo printing company, to share more stories from the photography collections in our care.
There are more than half a million photographs in the collections that we look after, and we're working with CEWE to reveal more about the people, places and memories that they capture.
As part of our partnership, CEWE are sponsoring our new book, 100 Photographs from the Collections of the National Trust. They'll also help to curate and catalogue our photography collections, support our Blossom campaign with interactive pop-ups and create photo books for our holiday cottages.
Thanks to CEWE's sponsorship, we’ve been able to publish 100 Photographs from the Collections of the National Trust to share the stories behind some of the most notable photographs in our care.
The book is part of the Cultural Heritage Publishing programme and features 100 photographs that date from the 1840s to the present day. The selection covers many different moments in time across multiple continents, such as William Henry Fox Talbot’s invention of the negative-to-positive calotype process and architect Ernő Goldfinger’s 35mm colour slides taken in post-revolution Cuba.
Our partnership with CEWE will help to fund our work to catalogue and curate the photography collections we look after. We'll work together to showcase more of our photography and inspire future generations through interactive storytelling at the places in our care.
As part of our campaign to bring spring blossom to more people, CEWE will run instant photo pop-up activities at some of our events so that visitors can take a keepsake home with them.
Visitors will also be able to add a blossom-themed border to their photo prints when using a CEWE Photostation in Boots shops.
We will create a CEWE PHOTOBOOK to showcase the best of our holiday locations. These coffee table books will sit alongside our holiday brochure in cottages to inspire more people to spend quality time away with their friends and family, while also supporting our cause.
CEWE teams will work alongside us to plant more trees at Clent Hills in Worcestershire, spending time out of the office to look after nature. This will support our local tree planting project and our overall aim to plant and establish 20 million trees by 2030.
We care for one of the world's largest and most significant collections of art and heritage objects. Explore the highlights, our latest major exhibitions, curatorial research and more.
We've teamed up with CEWE, Europe's leading photo printing company, to share more stories from the thousands of photographs in our collections.
Discover the history and development of portrait photography through a selection of images from the collections in our care.
Find out how your support helps us look after the past, from conserving historic buildings to revealing archaeological sites and supporting urban heritage projects.
We're working with partners to to give communities more access to nature by planting blossom trees in towns and cities across the UK, so more people can enjoy the beauty and comfort of nature near where they live.