Dewch i baratoi am Orymdaith y Gwanwyn yn Dinefwr drwy ymuno â’r artist Ren Wolfe i gyd-greu pyped anferth | Get ready for Gorymdaith y Gwanwyn (Spring Promenade) at Dinefwr by joining artist Ren Wolfe in creating a giant, collaborative bird puppet
Ymunwch a’r mes bach, grwp i bobl ifanc gwrdd unwaith y mis yn Dinefwr | Join the Young Oaks at Dinefwr, a youth group for those wanting to get stuck in. Come and hang out, share your best ideas and do things that really matter.
Ymunwch â’r artist Ren Wolfe mewn gweithdy crefft i greu masgiau lliwgar o adar sydd i’w gweld yn Dinefwr | Join Artist Ren Wolfe in this craft workshop making whimsical and wonderful masks based around the birdlife found at Dinefwr.
Dewch a’r teulu am fyd o antur y gwanwyn hwn yn Dinefwr ar Helfa Basg sy’n dilyn llwybr cwbl newydd. | This spring, treat the whole family to a world of adventure at Dinefwr, near Llandeilo, on an Easter trail that follows a brand new route.
Gorymdeithiwch ochr yn ochr â phypedau trawiadol, blodau anferth, gwisgoedd ysblennydd â perfformiad o Mari Ha! gan Osian Meilir | Promenade alongside puppets, gigantic flowers, spectacularly costumed characters, music and a performance of Mari Ha!