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Mother Earth Forest Parade

As part of Hatfield 100, we’re hosting a day of fun, frolics, folklore and fantasy. Activities will be running all day, or feel free to just join for the parade.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

10:00 – 15:00: Acts of Care Treasure Hunt

The Shell House will play host to a forest-wide treasure hunt. Drop by throughout the day to choose your challenge and embark on a wild, wonky walk through the woods.

10:00 – 12:00: Fantastic Mask Making

In preparation for the parade, we’ll be running a mask and totem making workshop in the Fishermans Shelter.

Sign-up is essential as places are limited on the separate event page.

12:30 – 13:00 Parade Gathering

We invite everyone to come adorned in carnivalesque nature-inspired costumery (this could be your favourite plant, creature, mythology, or drag finery – the weirder and wilder the better!) Arm yourself with garlands, face paint, flags and totems inspired by the wild woods. Or if you don’t feel like dressing-up, then simply bring along a brightly coloured hat, flag or colourful clothes, and a sense of fun! We’ll amass outside the café.

13:00 – 14:00 Forest Parade

And off we stomp, a magical troupe of wild creatures let loose in the woods! Together we’ll walk down rarely-trodden paths to discover the secrets, diversities and wild ways of the woods.

14:00 – 15:00 Community Picnic

Finally, we end back at the café to share food and stories of our adventure. We invite you to bring tasty treats for yourselves and your companions, and to lay your picnic rugs across the lawn. This will be a chance to meet and make new friends, to talk to the Hatfield 100 artists and the forest volunteers.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call This event is free, but there are limited spaces for Mask Making so book your place.


This is a day for everyone.

Meeting point

Other than the Parade, this event will take place in the Lake Area of the Forest. Please find a member of the team if you are unsure and they will be able to direct you.

What to bring and wear

Bring a spirit of fun and adventure, a costume, a celebratory offering, weather-appropriate clothes and shoes, some snacks and a bottle of water. Food and drinks available to purchase from the café.


We'll be walking outdoors off the main paths and sitting in forest clearings. Although the site is fairly flat, there may be moments where we navigate difficult and potentially muddy ground. If you have any specific access needs then please let us know and we will try as best we can to accommodate these. A cafe and toilets are located by the Shell House, our meeting and ending point.


For more on the project visit: To meet the artists visit: /

Contact info

Kirsty Badenoch

Upcoming events


Get Hooked 

Junior Fishing Experience. This is an introduction to fishing on the lake at Hatfield Forest for young people aged 6-16.

Event summary

8 Sep 2024
10:00 to 11:15
+ 3 other dates or times

Creative writing for mindfulness 

Learn how words and mindfulness merge to nurture your soul and unleash your imagination.

Event summary

8 Sep to 12 Nov 2024
10:00 to 11:30
+ 2 other dates or times

Breathwork in the Forest 

A relaxing breathwork class, designed to calm the nervous system, clear tension from within and provide space to connect back to the mind, body and soul.

Event summary

9 Sep to 29 Sep 2024
10:00 to 11:00
+ 4 other dates or times

Hatfield 100 - Guided Tours 

Discover the fascinating story of Hatfield Forest as we celebrate 100 years since it was saved for the nation.

Event summary

10 Sep to 27 Sep 2024
11:30 to 13:00
+ 1 other date or time