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Nature recovery on the Attingham Estate

Cows grazing in the meadow in late summer at Attingham Park, Shropshire
Cows grazing on the Attingham Estate | © National Trust Images/James Dobson

The Attingham Estate is around 1,500 hectares and includes woodland, parkland, tenanted farms and farmland. We want to make the land that we look after better for nature, and improve access, helping people connect with nature. We’re working with our tenants to make more space for wildlife across our land to help in the fight against the decline in nature and climate change.

Woodland creation pilot at Lower Betton Farm

In winter 2024 we planted 7 hectares of new woodland on land at Lower Betton Farm on the wider Attingham Estate – the first step towards delivering major improvements for nature.

The woodland creation, supported by funding from the Environment Agency, will harness the power of trees to lock in carbon, slow the flow of water and provide wildlife habitat. It will contribute to the National Trust's net zero and tree planting targets.

View from above of two arable fields surrounded by roads on farmland with wider views of Shropshire countryside
Drone footage of arable fields pre-woodland planting at Lower Betton Farm on the Attingham Estate | © Worker Drones UK

The planting and aftercare of the woodland uses naturalistic techniques with deer and rabbit fencing for protection rather than individual tree guards. Our farm tenant has sown a wildflower and grass meadow beneath the trees which helps to provide groundcover to protect from the impacts of drought and encourage wildlife to flourish as we wait for the trees to grow.

The learning from this pilot is informing future woodland establishment approaches at Attingham and around the country.

View of trees with meadow in foreground at Attingham Park Shropshire
Established woodland at Attingham Park | © National Trust/Jane Gough

Our nature recovery work

March 2024

Attingham delivers its first new woodland

Over 16,000 saplings have been planted at Lambart Wood on Lower Betton Farm at the southern edge of Attingham Estate. Nestled amongst a developing wildflower meadow, leaves are appearing on the saplings as they respond to the arrival of Spring. The woodland design aims to support natural processes to establish, creating a rich transitional habitat as the trees grows and transform the area over the coming years. We will be monitoring this woodland’s progress to inform how we approach future potential woodland planting both at Attingham and further afield.

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Our partners

Environment Agency

Environmental Agency is a public body sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, working to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.

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