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Birling Gap and the Seven Sisters

A popular coastal hub, where the South Downs meet the sea

East Dean, near Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 0AB

The cliffs in twilight at Birling Gap and the Seven Sisters, East Sussex

Important notice

There is no coach parking or coach drop off here at weekends. Please see the 'Facilities' section below for more information. Also note that at our busiest times we may have to close the building outside of advertised opening times

Planning your visit

A view from above the beach at Birling Gap, East Sussex

Visiting Birling Gap safely 

The Seven Sisters chalk cliffs are constantly changing. This creates the iconic coastline that you see today. Find out more about how you can enjoy your day safely.

View of the white chalk cliffs on a sunny day

Read our visiting safely article in Chinese: 安全游览伯灵峡 

伯灵峡的悬崖可能很危险。 访问时保持安全非常重要。 始终与悬崖边缘保持至少 5 米的距离。 始终与悬崖底部保持至少 5 米的距离。 检查潮汐时间,了解海水何时达到最高点,并始终保持海滩台阶在视线范围内。

Family walking along the clifftop at Birling Gap, part of the Seven Sisters chalk cliffs range, East Sussex

Read our visiting safely article in Polish: Bezpieczne zwiedzanie Birling Gap 

Klify w Birling Gap mogą być niebezpieczne. Bardzo ważne jest, aby zachować bezpieczeństwo podczas wizyty. Zawsze trzymaj się co najmniej 5 m od krawędzi klifu Przez cały czas trzymaj się co najmniej 5 m od podstawy klifów Sprawdź godziny przypływów, które pokazują, kiedy poziom morza będzie najwyższy, i zawsze miej w zasięgu wzroku schody na plażę

Sunset with silver ragwort stems at Birling Gap, East Sussex

Read our visiting safely article in Korean: Birling Gap을 안전하게 방문하세요 

Birling Gap의 절벽은 위험할 수 있습니다. 방문 시 안전을 유지하는 것이 정말 중요합니다. 항상 절벽 가장자리에서 최소 5m 이상 떨어져 있어야 합니다. 항상 절벽 바닥에서 최소 5m 거리를 유지하세요. 바다가 가장 높은 때를 알려주는 조수 시간을 확인하고 항상 해변 계단을 시야에 두십시오.

A close-up of a border collie dog standing on a rock at the Lake District

Visiting the South Downs with your dog 

Find out about bringing your dog to the South Downs. Explore the beautiful landscape together, from cliff-tops and beaches to ancient downland.

A group of young adults kicking up autumn leaves on a walk around the estate at Hardwick, Derbyshire

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