Turnwyr Coed Sir Benfro ar waith /Pembrokeshire Woodturners in action
Dewch i weld y turnwyr coed wrth eu gwaith / Come and see woodturners at work
- Booking not needed
- Free event
Dewch i weld y turnwyr coed wrth eu gwaith / Come and see woodturners at work
The basics
- Suitability
Suitable for children accompanied by an adult.
- Meeting point
Both information room
- What to bring and wear
Cash ONLY to purchase items sold by Woodturners Wear weather appropriate clothing. Stout shoes, waterproofs, hat, sun cream, just in case.
- Accessibility
Level access from drop off point to Bothy Information Room
- Other
Dogs welcome on a lead
Upcoming events
Park Run yng Ngardd Goetir Colby / Park Run at Colby Woodland Garden
Byddwch yn rhan o’r Park Run sydd am ddim yng Ngardd Goetir Colby bob dydd Sadwrn / Be part of the amazing Free Park run free every Saturday at Colby Woodland Garden.
Ysgol Goetir gyda Phlant y Goedwig /Forest School with Plant Y Goedwig
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer y grŵp unigryw hwn i rieni, babanod a phlant bach / Join us for this unique parent, baby and toddler group
Helfa wyau Pasg yng Ngardd Goetir Colby/Easter egg hunt at Colby Woodland Garden
Y gwanwyn hwn, dewch draw i fyd antur Gardd Goetir Colby gyda’r teulu cyfan i fwynhau llwybr y Pasg / This spring, treat the whole family to a world of adventure at Colby Woodland Garden on an Easter trail.
Bag Cefn Archwilwyr Ifanc / Young Explorers Backpacks
Mae’r Bag Cefn hwn yn llawn gweithgareddau BENDIgoedwig / This Backpack is full of TREEmendous activities.