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Park Run yng Ngardd Goetir Colby / Park Run at Colby Woodland Garden

Byddwch yn rhan o’r Park Run sydd am ddim yng Ngardd Goetir Colby bob dydd Sadwrn / Be part of the amazing Free Park run free every Saturday at Colby Woodland Garden.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event

Colby parkrun is a fun, free event organised by volunteers for the benefit of everyone. The course is 5000m (5k) long. To register and for more information visit the park run website

Dependent on availability, marshals will be at key sections of the course, or signs will be in place.

Every week we grab a post-parkrun coffee: the Colby Woodland Garden tearoom. Please come and join us!


The basics


Suitable for children accompanied by an adult.

Meeting point

Start and finish by the steps close to the cafe and toilet block.

What to bring and wear

Wear clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather.


NT Members park free. Non-members pay parking charges. The course is on a mixture of gravel paths, compacted earth paths and grass. Some sections of the course may accumulate mud, leaves and puddles after rain. Dependent on availability, marshals will be at key sections of the course, or signs will be in place. For the continued success of the event, please give way to other park users. This won't hurt your time, it won't stop you from getting a PB and it will make sure everyone continues to enjoy the event. Please, wherever possible walk, jog, cycle or use public transport when attending the event. If you do have to drive, please consider car-sharing to reduce our impact on both the environment and other park users. Please also watch out for other park users.

Contact info

Park Run

Upcoming events


Diwrnod Stori Gymunedol / Community Story Day 

Dewch i ddathlu Diwrnod Adrodd Straeon y Byd a’n helpu i feithrin ein hanes a stori ein cymuned / Come and celebrate World Storytelling Day and help us to grow our history and the story of our community .

Event summary

22 Mar 2025
10:00 to 12:00

Ymgynnull ar gyfer Cyhydnos y Gwanwyn / Spring Equinox Gathering 

Dysgwch am y ffyrdd i weithio gyda’r grym gweddnewidiol sydd ynghlwm â chyrhaeddiad y gwanwyn / Learn ways to work with the transformative power that Springtime brings.

Event summary

23 Mar 2025
10:30 to 12:00

Ysgol Goetir gyda Phlant y Goedwig /Forest School with Plant Y Goedwig 

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer y grŵp unigryw hwn i rieni, babanod a phlant bach / Join us for this unique parent, baby and toddler group

Event summary

13 Apr to 2 Nov 2025
10:00 to 12:00
+ 55 other dates or times

Helfa wyau Pasg yng Ngardd Goetir Colby/Easter egg hunt at Colby Woodland Garden 

Y gwanwyn hwn, dewch draw i fyd antur Gardd Goetir Colby gyda’r teulu cyfan i fwynhau llwybr y Pasg / This spring, treat the whole family to a world of adventure at Colby Woodland Garden on an Easter trail.

Event summary

18 Apr to 21 Apr 2025
10:00 to 17:00
+ 3 other dates or times