Taith Gerdded Ystlumod Dywysedig / Guided Bat Walk
Dysgwch am ystlumod ar daith gerdded gyda Cathy o Vincent Wildlife Trust / Learn about bats on a walk with Cathy from Vincent Wildlife Trust.
- Booking essential
- Free event
Join Vincent Wildlife Trust and Natur am Byth as we learn about Pembrokeshire’s fascinating bat species. Walk through the ancient woodland of Colby Woodland Garden and use our bat detectors to hear the resident bats for yourselves!
The basics
- Booking details
Call 01834811885 option 2 In case of adverse weather walk will be cancelled
- Suitability
Suitable for children under the age of 12
- Meeting point
Opposite the Welcome Centre
- What to bring and wear
Wear weather appropriate clothing. Stout shoes, waterproofs, hat, sun cream, just in case. Bring a torch. Bat detectors will be provided.
- Accessibility
Accessible route (will be on lower woodland paths and in meadow so no steps)
- Other
Dogs welcome on a lead.
Upcoming events
Park Run yng Ngardd Goetir Colby / Park Run at Colby Woodland Garden
Byddwch yn rhan o’r Park Run sydd am ddim yng Ngardd Goetir Colby bob dydd Sadwrn / Be part of the amazing Free Park run free every Saturday at Colby Woodland Garden.
Ysgol Goetir gyda Phlant y Goedwig /Forest School with Plant Y Goedwig
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer y grŵp unigryw hwn i rieni, babanod a phlant bach / Join us for this unique parent, baby and toddler group
Helfa wyau Pasg yng Ngardd Goetir Colby/Easter egg hunt at Colby Woodland Garden
Y gwanwyn hwn, dewch draw i fyd antur Gardd Goetir Colby gyda’r teulu cyfan i fwynhau llwybr y Pasg / This spring, treat the whole family to a world of adventure at Colby Woodland Garden on an Easter trail.
Bag Cefn Archwilwyr Ifanc / Young Explorers Backpacks
Mae’r Bag Cefn hwn yn llawn gweithgareddau BENDIgoedwig / This Backpack is full of TREEmendous activities.