Hwyl hanner tymor | Hibernate over half term at Dinefwr
Ymunwch yn hwyl cysglyd hanner tymor | Join us for a sleepy snoozy adventure this half term at Dinefwr
- Booking not needed
- Free event (admission applies)
Os byddech chi wedi cysgu trwy’r gaeaf, pa fath o nyth fyddech chi’n ei adeiladu? Bydd gweithgareddau gwahanol yn y tŷ a’r Gofod Gaeafgysgu ar gael i’w archebu – y man i gwtcho lan, adeiladu nyth a gwrando ar straeon mewn coedwig gysglyd.
If you slept all winter, what kind of nest would you build? There’ll be different activities spread throughout the house and the bookable Hibernationland for you to enjoy snuggling up, building nests and listen to stories in a sleepy woodland.
Event ticket prices
This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.
Check admission pricesThe basics
- Suitability
Designed with children in mind – come and join in the fun.
- Meeting point
Activities are spread throughout Newton House, the welcome team will guide you on the day of your visit
- What to bring and wear
Wear clothing suitable for the day’s weather. Activities are indoors with the wonderful parkland to explore outdoors.
- Accessibility
Please see accessibility guide on AccessAble website for full details.
- Other
Find the latest seasonal updates on the main Dinefwr website or jump back to the Events listing to find out other events are planned. If you’ve any questions please email us on dinefwr@nationaltrust.org.uk we also share information about what’s happening on our social pages on Facebook and Instagram @NTDinefwr
Upcoming events
Sesiwn Sgwrs – Crwydrwyr Dinefwr | Chat about Dinefwr’s Deer Park Roamers
Dewch i sgwrsio am ròl wirfoddol ‘Crwydrwyr Parc Ceirw Dinefwr’ | Come and chat to find out more about the Deer Park Roamer volunteering role at Dinefwr