Audio trail at Dolaucothi

Stories of the distant past are brought vividly to life in this eight stage audio trail. The narrator is joined by expert contributors who share a wealth of knowledge about the Roman quest for gold at Dolaucothi. The Trail can be enjoyed via QR codes at the property, or right here on the Web site.

The Roman opencast pit.
Your journey of discovery starts here in the 1930's Mine Yard. Two thousand years ago, this was a Roman opencast pit, hewn from the hillside in the search for gold.

The Roman fort at Pumsaint
The Romans are coming! What was the role of the military at Pumsaint, and how did the establishment of a Roman fort here impact the local community?

Lower Roman Adit
Exploring Lower Roman Adit with its intriguing shape and evidence of manual rock extraction. What might the daily lives of the workers have been like?

Upper Roman Adit
Upper Roman adit is a very differently shaped mine; almost uniformly square. Find out about its geology, Roman mining methods, and other interesting features of the working.

Exit of Upper Roman Adit
The Romans were accomplished water engineers. Discover how they dewatered their mine workings using wheels and manpower.

Leats and Tanks
Hear more about the Romans' pioneering work in harnessing the power of water and its various uses in gold mining at Dolaucothi.

Overlooking the Opencast Pit
A more in depth look at the opencast pit, its construction, its workforce and its impact on the landscape. Discover where in the world the Dolaucothi gold may have gone.

The Pumsaint Stone
The legend of the Pumsaint stone is a tale of travelling saints and a vengeful sorcerer, but the appearance of the stone, with its distinctive indentations, may have an altogether more practical explanation.