Annual General Meeting
The 2024 Annual General Meeting took place on 2 November online and in Newcastle upon Tyne. Find out the voting results, including the outcomes on the resolutions and elections.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is your opportunity to have your say on our work. Find out how voting works using our short guide.
The 2024 AGM took place on 2 November online and in Newcastle upon Tyne. Thank you to everyone who voted.
If you've registered to attend the meeting in person or online, you can vote on the resolutions on the day.
Members are welcome to join the meeting online or in person.
You don't need to attend the AGM in order to have your say. You can vote in advance of the AGM, either online or by post.
There are three different types of vote you can choose from to have your say.
This is where you specify how you want your vote to be cast by your proxy (Chair of the AGM) and they act as your representative and vote as directed by you. You can do this by selecting 'for', 'against' or 'abstain' for the individual resolutions and by selecting your preferred election candidates.
To cast your vote in support of the Board of Trustees' position on all resolutions, and/or recommended election candidates/candidate bodies, you can use the quick vote option.
You can cast a discretionary vote for the resolutions, but not in the elections. This means you're directing the proxy (Chair of the AGM) to vote on the resolutions as they see fit. You can do this by selecting the 'discretionary' box.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting took place on 2 November online and in Newcastle upon Tyne. Find out the voting results, including the outcomes on the resolutions and elections.
If you have a query about the AGM, please email agm@nationaltrust.org.uk. To put forward a question for the meeting, please include your name and membership number in your email and keep your question within 50 words. For all other enquiries, please check out help centre.
The Annual General Meeting is convened in accordance with The Charities (National Trust) Order 2005. Find out more about what this means.
Find the full details about the rules of voting in clause 40 of The Charities (National Trust) Order 2005.