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Top ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’ activities to do in spring

Children sit with nets at the rock pools at Giant's Causeway, County Antrim
Children sit with nets at the rock pools at Giant's Causeway, County Antrim | © National Trust Images/Chris Lacey

Nature comes alive in spring. Flowers burst into colour and animals wake from hibernation. Why not try something new too, like stargazing, foraging or pond dipping? Discover facts about wildlife or learn a skill from our list of ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’.

Get to know a tree
There's lots you can discover about a tree by getting up close. Look for mini beasts or take a bark rubbing. Learn to identify a tree from the shape of its leaves and how hugging one can tell you its age.Find the perfect tree
Explore on wheels
Discover tips for a bike or scooter ride and learn about the first bikes invented. Find out why cycling is a planet-friendly way of exploring. Not got a bike? Some of the places in our care have bikes for hire.Top tips for a great bike ride
Help a plant grow
In spring, green shoots push up through the soil. If you haven't tried gardening before, we've some tips to help you. Decide what you might want to plant at home and grow your own mini-garden by following our instructions.Grow some seeds
Go stargazing
On a clear night, lie flat on your back and watch the sky glitter with stars. Spring's early sunsets mean you don’t need to stay out too late to see them. Learn to recognise different constellations and discover the stories behind them.Top tips for stargazing
Two children look closely at a book and through a bug viewer at Croome, Worcestershire
Children look closely through a bug viewer at Croome, Worcestershire | © National Trust Images/Ian Shaw
Keep a nature diary
While you're out and about, be aware of what's around you. Find out how to keep a nature diary by recording everything you see. You can even take part in a wildlife survey to help care for nature.Record your sightings
Hunt for wild food
Find out what types of wild food you can forage on a spring walk. In woodland, you might smell wild garlic. Discover how to identify its green leaves and other edible items.Find out about wild food
Set up a snail race
Snails may be slow but they get there in the end. Find out how to race snails, how to keep them happy and how to encourage them over the finish line. Can't find a snail? Collect slimy snail facts instead.Race some snails
A close crop of a boy's hands in which he is holding a medium-sized newt and a jar
A newt discovered during a pond dipping session | © National Trust Images/Arnhel de Serra
Discover what's in a pond
Ponds may look still but they are full of life, with frogspawn that wobbles like jelly, wriggling tadpoles and insects skating across the surface. Spot different pond dwellers with our guide to commonly found creatures.Look closer at pond wildlife
Play Pooh sticks
Pooh sticks is a simple but thrilling game, first invented by the famous bear from the stories by A. A. Milne. Find out how to play and how to measure the flow of a river.Launch your sticks
Make friends with a bug
Ladybirds, spiders, caterpillars, woodlice – many kinds of minibeasts hide indoors and out. Discover where to find them, collect facts and get to know some bugs.Meet some bugs
Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk

‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’

Have fun exploring nature and the great outdoors with our list of ‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’.

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