Bird Box Making at Tinkley Gate
Join us at Tinkley Gate, Woodchester Park for family-friendly bird box making, just in time for nesting season.
- Booking essential
- Admission applies
The end of winter into the beginning of spring is a great time to make bird boxes for birds to nest in your garden. It's a great family-friendly activity and we'll provide all the tools and materials you'll need.
Why this time of year?
Many birds start looking for nesting sites in early spring, so having boxes ready before then increases the chances of occupancy.
Trees and hedges are bare in winter, making it easier to install boxes without disturbing wildlife and putting up boxes in winter allows them to weather naturally, making them seem like a more established part of the environment. Some species, like blue tits and robins, begin scouting for nesting spots weeks before breeding begins.
Join us on 22nd March 2025!
The basics
- Booking details
Call 01453 860037
Upcoming events
Easter at Tinkley Gate, Woodchester Park
Enjoy family-friendly activities and an easter egg trail at Tinkley Gate this easter
Paintings from Woodchester Park - Stan Giles Exhibition
Stan Giles' work focuses on the uniqueness of the Gloucestershire landscape. Join us at Tinkley Gate for an exhibition of his work: 'A Walk in the Park - Paintings from Woodchester Park'
May Half Term Butterfly and Moth Trail
Find out more about our special relationship in this part of the world to rare butterflies and moths in this free trail for children
Art in the Park Workshop: Challenging Conventions
Join Stan Giles at Tinkley Gate to take part in an artist workshop to explore Woodchester Park and some of the techniques involved in capturing this special landscape. Under 16s to be accompanied.