Can you return a mysterious object to its rightful place in our escape game experience? Complete challenges along the way, including solving real early medieval riddles to unlock the secrets of the past.
Take our free family tour to discover gruesome stories we've had to leave out of our 'normal' tours ...
As we celebrate Yule at Sutton Hoo have a go at our Anglo-Saxon themed craft activities.
Discover what the festive period meant to the Anglo-Saxons living 1500 years ago and find out where many of our traditions came from as we celebrate Yule at Sutton Hoo.
Join us for quiet hour as we turn down the sounds for those who would enjoy a more peaceful and relaxed visit.
Get out in the fresh air, re-connect with nature, stretch your legs and walk your way to better wellbeing on one of our volunteer-led group walks.
Meet our historic costume volunteers as they demonstrate the craft skills of the Anglo-Saxons and how they created clothing and accessories using natural materials.
Meet our historic costume volunteers as they demonstrate the craft skills of the Anglo-Saxons and how they created clothing and accessories using natural materials.
Join us as Time Team return for a second year of their exciting research project at Sutton Hoo.